Stick a balloon down the shower drain: what happens will surprise you

A very simple balloon stuck in the shower drain can solve a very common problem that affects most people around the world.
Balloon in the shower drain

Entering your home at any time of the day or night and seeing cockroaches running around the house is certainly not pleasant, which is why everyone is constantly looking for the best solutions to solve the problem one day. Once and for all, at any point in time. Year.

Cockroaches used to enter through pipes, especially in summer , when they sought a slightly cooler and more humid environment due to excessive heat. But today things have changed and cockroaches are constantly looking for the ideal hiding place to live in peace and serenity all year round.

That is why the situation is gradually becoming more and more worrying for everyone. In 90% of cases we discover them in the bathroom, especially in the shower cubicle, in the bathtub or in the sink in the kitchen. These are cockroaches that like warm, humid, and dimly lit environments in which they can feed and survive for even just a few days.
Prevent the arrival of cockroaches with basic hygiene and health rules

To prevent the arrival of cockroaches, you must first follow proper cleaning and hygiene rules, d The smell, cockroaches come from even the smallest hole ever noticed in the house.

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